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Rules PGN


Rules and Conditions of participation in the Partner Group Network ( PGN ) Project

1. Purpose and Basic Principles

1.1. Partner Group Network (hereinafter - PGN) is an international commercial partnership network of independent investment and business consultants, lawyers, brokers, project initiators, investors and other participants in business processes focused on joint cooperation and achieving common goals.

1.2. The PGN project is a system tool

for effective work in the international investment market with commercial and social projects, including the exchange of business information and the possibility of monetizing this information among PGN participants .

1.3. PGN is organized according to the principles of an international business community (club), where each participant contributes to the development of the community, expands the opportunities for business contacts, exchange of business information and is guided by the rules of the community, maintaining mutual respect for all network participants, regardless of their social status, financial situation or religion.

1.4. Main areas of interest in the Project activities:

Investments and finance.

International trade.

Real estate.


IT and AI.

Transport and logistic.



Other business areas in real sectors of the economy, as well as social and humanitarian projects.

2. Basic rules 

2.1. All participants in the PGN Project are obliged to complement and expand the information space of the PGN Network , as well as to comply with generally accepted standards of business relations.

2.2. An individual or a representative of a legal entity recommended by an associated member of PGN or on the basis of an application and a completed personal questionnaire sent to the PGN board can become a PGN member .

3. Procedure for admission to residents of the international partner business network PGN :

3.1.A resident of PGN can become an entrepreneur from any country in the world, running a legal business that accepts the rules and basic principles developed by the UN and the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce ( International Chamber of Commerce - ICC) .

Persons without business experience, with an unfair business reputation, carrying out illegal activities, or pursuing goals that do not coincide with the goals of PGN are not allowed to become residents of PGN .

Membership in PGN is voluntary.

The maximum number and geography of Project residents is not limited.

The basis for obtaining PGN resident status is the corresponding decision of the PGN Board .

3.3. The candidate submits a completed application form for consideration and consents to the processing of personal data.

Information from the application form is checked by the PGN security service , a PGN representative contacts the candidate and agrees on personal or On Line meeting for interview.

PGN security service and successful completion of the interview with a PGN representative , the questionnaire is submitted for approval to the PGN board . The Board reserves the right to refuse approval of a candidate for PGN membership without giving reasons.

3.4. Confirmation of the PGN participant is the introduction of the resident in the main PGN chat and sending him a personal Project business card in electronic form.

3.5. Participation in PGN does not impose any restrictions on its residents in their main and any other activities: PGN residents retain their legal, economic and organizational independence and can be members of other clubs and communities.

4.Rights of PGN residents .

PGN residents are granted the following rights:

— submit proposals for consideration by the PGN that are within the scope of the main tasks of the community, and assist in their practical implementation;

PGN projects and programs ;

— make full use of the information and benefit from the support of all members of the PGN Project ;

_ use the financial, legal and auditing services of the Project

— request and receive information about PGN activities from the administration;

— indicate on your letterheads, advertising and information materials, and social networks your affiliation with the PGN Project ;

— participate in events organized by PGN ;

— act as a speaker at events organized by PGN and its partners with the approval of PGN ;

4.1 . Responsibilities of Project residents

PGN residents have the following responsibilities:

— take an active part in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the community;

— respect the interests of other PGN residents ;

— pay approved PGN payments on time and in full ;

— refrain from actions (inactions) that could cause damage to PGN and its residents (moral or material), and also not carry out activities incompatible with the rules of the Project;

— notify PGN about a change in the status or name of a resident’s legal entity, about moving to another country for permanent residence within the shortest period from the moment of the fact.

4.3. An associated member of PGN is a participant who has confirmed his active activity and professionalism for six months, contributing to the development of the Project, and complying with the rules of PGN .

PGN Project Board .

A associate member has the right to receive the entire volume of information available in the PGN Project in all areas of any geography and specific state of affairs.

An associate member can take part in any promising projects of the general PGN Information Network if he can provide the necessary specific assistance in promoting the activities of PGN .

5. Exclusion of a participant from PGN .

5.1. The withdrawal of a participant (member) from PGN occurs at his own request with notification of this to the board 1 month in advance. before exit or with a passive attitude towards the Project for 3 months, as well as a gross violation of the approved rules and conditions of PGN .

5.2.This decision is made unilaterally by the PGN board.

In this case, access to information resources , chats, other information exchange, as well as previously provided information will be denied to this participant.

PGN Project is obliged to report the results of their transactions to the PGN board , if such transactions take place using the information structure of the Project, its business connections or its current accounts.

Lack of information on transactions carried out and work with them between any members of PGN is regarded as a gross violation of the rules of work and entails exclusion from PGN .

5.4. Lack of receipt of business information on the part of a PGN participant or complete inaction for 6 months entails the question of further participation in the PGN Project .

6. Conditions and work within the PGN

6.1. All participants undertake to comply with the conditions and requirements established in the contracts concluded within the framework of the PGN Project , and do not allow inappropriate handling of document flow with client projects. Any information provided by the participant (member) becomes public to other participants and is used as part of its commercial implementation.

6.2. A PGN Member has the right to transfer access to third parties to the shared information resources of the PGN Network that are in its use if this helps the cause and complies with confidentiality rules in each individual case when necessary.

General information resources of PGN mean a database of all projects, financial organizations and investors , internal documents of PGN , websites, chats, agreement forms, etc. to which the member has received information access.

Closed resources mean a database of projects (investors) with contacts of owners with whom the real work of the PGN Project participants is carried out and a contact database of investment, legal, media and other auxiliary resources.

6.3. In its work and projects, PGN complies with generally accepted rules of business ethics.

PGN Project is purely informational with a social orientation, non-political and is not used by the state or any party in interests that do not coincide with the goals and values of the Project.

7. Distribution of remuneration from work in the PGN Project

7.1. Each PGN participant agrees to the condition that for each completed transaction between PGN participants , the participants in this transaction pay the Project (its affiliate) at least 10% of the amount of income received (gross) on the basis of an agreement for the provision of advertising and information services .

*** If it is impossible to determine specific income for transactions between PGN participants , the amount of remuneration can be calculated as a percentage of the turnover of a specific transaction received through PGN channels or through the channels of PGN members , which subsequently goes to the development and support of the activities of the PGN Project .

The amount of remuneration is determined by the PGN board for each transaction individually and is agreed upon by the parties before the transaction by agreement of the parties.

The distribution of income in joint transactions is carried out on a contractual basis between the participants in a specific transaction/project and the board of the PGN Project, which must be stipulated in the agreement between the parties.

8. Contributions for the maintenance and development of the PGN Project and Charity

8.1. Participants in the PGN Project undertake to make the necessary contributions to support and develop the PGN network, develop relationships with organizations that help solve specific problems in various areas and countries, and also participate in charitable projects organized by PGN , in accordance with the approved rules.

8.2. The necessary contributions are needed for the development of the PGN Project and charitable activities, as well as other social projects.

8.3. Deductions are made only from completed transactions and by prior written agreement with their participants.

8.4. The PGN Board may consider other paid conditions for participation in community events after previously agreeing on these conditions with PGN participants .

9. Mandatory and reliable information

9.1. PGN participants undertake to provide the most reliable and documented information related to the analysis of incoming proposals.

Only in this case is the PGN Project ready to find and provide the participant with the necessary part to solve the problem.

9.2. Rules for communication in PGN chats and official social networks.

PGN chats are an important platform for interaction between all participants.

Each chat has its own specifics and communication features, which the PGN administration will notify you about .

 9.3. In chats organized by PGN in WhatsApp messengers , Facebook groups , LinkedIn , Telegram, etc. , the following is allowed:

— communicate, including for the purpose of developing business connections of residents, improving and coordinating the professional activities of PGN residents , creating and promoting joint projects;

— post business information, as well as information about yourself, photographs;

PGN events , give recommendations on organizing transactions;

— make appointments and agree on any events that do not contradict the PGN rules

9.4. A PGN resident in PGN business chats in PGN messengers and social networks is prohibited from:

- use profanity,

— discuss and mention topics not directly related to business. Commercial and social activities

— directly and indirectly insult other users;

— post advertising information, send messages and comments of an advertising nature, as well as containing external links to non-core information;

- repeatedly send identical or very similar messages with low frequency, repeatedly send messages that are not related to the topic of chat conversations or do not carry a semantic load;

— discuss the actions of moderators and chat administrators;

- broadcast the received information in other Web resources not related to PGN .

— take any actions aimed at disrupting the operation of chats and the PGN server .

10. Participation and Remuneration.

Investment, projects, partnership., [26.04.2024 09:57]

10.1. Participants of the PGN Project have the right to participate in all investment and business projects within the Project if they are able to help solve the issues of a specific task and receive appropriate remuneration.

10.2. The working conditions and remuneration of participants are fixed in writing for each project in accordance with the agreement between the parties to the transaction.

10.3 The PGN Project is not responsible for agreements signed between members of the PGN network or third parties involved in the implementation of transactions or projects.


PGN project performs only information and communication functions for its participants and does not carry out commercial transactions!

The main task of PGN is to expand the geography of the project, as well as to create comfortable working conditions for PGN participants to implement their commercial activities.

11. Compliance with Laws

11.1. All PGN members are committed to complying with applicable laws and regulations both in their own country and in countries where they do business with third parties.

12 . Changes and additions

12.1. The terms and conditions of PGN may be changed or supplemented by decision of the board and administration of PGN . Members will be notified of changes and their continued participation in PGN constitutes acceptance of the updated rules.

These terms and conditions represent the basic principles of operation of participants in the international partner business network - Partner Group Network ( PGN ) and are aimed at ensuring mutual partnership based on generally accepted business ethics and collective effectiveness in solving specific problems between PGN participants .

12.2. All participants undertake to comply with them when participating in PGN activities .

 12.3 . Confirmation of the PGN participant’s agreement with the above rules is his completed personal questionnaire and receipt of a PGN electronic business card indicating his name, contacts and status in PGN

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